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Weight & Heartburn; Gerd & Celiac Disease (Gluten); Heartburn & Pregnancy

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Weight & Heartburn

how to get rid of acid reflux
From http://stateschronicle.com/

Obesity is at epidemic levels in western countries – in the US one third of the population has been diagnosed with the condition. Among this group, the incidence of chronic heartburn / gerd is between 60 to 70 %, compared to 10 to 20 % in the general population. We are constantly being told to lose weight if we have regular heartburn.

It would be logical to deduce, therefore, that any method used to reduce weight would have a positive effect on reducing heartburn – however, this is not necessarily the case.

One way of losing weight is to subject ourselves to the knife – bariatric, or weight loss, surgery. One of the more popular operations is the sleeve gastrectomy, but a study has shown that the vast proportion of patients still experience gerd after the operation, and over 8 % develop it. Maybe the best way to lose weight is through other than surgery?

Read more here.

Is Your Gerd / Acid Reflux Related To Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder, a characteristic of which is a reaction to gluten. Gluten is found in rye, wheat and barley, and consequently finds its way into everyday foods such as bread, pastas, cereals, and cakes.

One prevalent symptom of celiac disease is gerd / acid reflux. A recent study has shown that a 3 month gluten free diet significantly improved gerd symptoms in celiac sufferers – perhaps this could help you?

Read more here

Heartburn & Pregnancy


Heartburn is a common complaint during pregnancy; the incidence is reported to be between 17% and 45%. A recent study examined the evidence for a number of interventions, including lifestyle changes, diet, acid-suppressing drugs and antacids  to remedy or prevent acid reflux in pregnancy.

The study found no direct evidence to support the use of any of the approaches, except for antacids. Further information can be found here.

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