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The Best Wedge Pillow For Acid Reflux Relief in Canada Now

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You can cut down your night time acid reflux by choosing the best wedge pillow.

This article details highly recommended products which will help you control your acid reflux – wedges tried and tested by other users.

It also gives you 1 simple tip for avoiding night time reflux which you can use tonight!

If you’re in a rush, have a look at our wedge pillow top picks.

Otherwise, read on…

Our Wedge Pillow Top Picks

These are our top recommended wedge pillows. For more details, use the links above to go to the section you are interested in.

Any recommendations we make are always based on either products we already own and use, or are carefully assessed in terms of their attributes and user feedback – criteria we use ourselves whenever we buy.

Where products sold by Amazon are suggested, they will have the following criteria at the time of writing (There may be exceptions if product choice is limited):

  • Minimum of 4 stars
  • No more than 15% of all reviews are 1 or 2 stars
  • The product has a minimum of 100 reviews

We also highly rate products which have free shipping or are sold through Amazon Prime.

Here’s are our Top Pick recommendations:

Abco Tech Bed Wedge Pillow
(22″ x 22″ x 7″)
  • Memory foam top
  • With washable cover
  • Excellent price
Posture Pro Health Bed Wedge Pillow
(25” x 24” x 12”)
  • Memory foam top
  • With washable cover
  • Highly rated
  • 2 year warranty
Avana Superslant Full Width Bed Wedge Pillow
(32″ x 72″ x 7.5″
  • Washable cover
  • Made in the USA
  • Highly rated
  • Available in King / Queen sizes
Avana SuperSlant Full Length Bed Wedge Pillow
(80″ x 30″ x 7″
  • With washable cover
  • Fits half queen sized bed
  • Gentle slope
  • Limits sliding down bed
  • More comfortable than shorter wedges
  • Made in USA
Avana Mattress Elevator – Under Bed 7-Inch
2 sections, each 80″(est) x 38″ x 7″ (King)
  • Split design for easy installation
  • Ensures the whole bed slopes
  • Provides a gentle slope all along the body
  • Avoids bend in body at lower lumber position
  • Made in the USA
  • Very popular with users
Medslant® Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux
(32″ x 24″ x 7″
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Carry case and cover included
  • Made in the USA
  • Popular
Circa Air Inflatable Wedge Pillow
(24″ x 24″ x 8″
  • Travel bag
  • Soft removable cover
  • Easy inflate
  • Highly rated
Utopia Bedding Premium Adjustable Furniture Risers
  • Amazon Best Seller
  • Easy to use
  • Highly rated by most users

The Best Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux, Snoring, Back Pain & Reading

Whatever the reason for propping yourself up at night, you need the best wedge pillow.

However, there is a bewildering array of pillows to choose from. We’ve filtered through the popular ones and set out what we think are the best wedge pillows below.

Whilst the ones we’ve highlighted can be used for a variety of purposes, we’ve looked at them with heartburn sufferers in mind.

In reviewing the wedges currently available on the market, it became clear that one size does not fit all; there is a wide range of sizes, and it is important to consider how big you need it. Generally speaking, the taller you are, the longer the pillow needs to be.

It also became apparent that some people love wedge pillows, and some just can’t get on with them. It’s trial and error, by the looks of things.

One thing is sure, however, using the best wedge pillow is a darn sight better than stacking up your normal pillows at the head of the bed.  At the very least it gives you a firm base on which to put your normal pillow.

Read more about how antacids work to relieve reflux here

Acid Reflux or Heartburn

Heartburn (also known as acid reflux) is a common condition in which stomach contents go back up into the esophagus. A persistent cough, and throat problems are some of the most common symptoms of acid reflux.

The causes of heartburn or acid reflux vary widely between individuals. Age, diet, lifestyle and physiological factors can all play a part.

When heartburn occurs frequently, it can turn into chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Common symptoms include asthma, vomiting, nausea, dental erosion, and pain when swallowing, etc.

This condition can be really painful, and even dangerous if not treated and managed properly in a timely manner.

The medical profession’s first line of attack against GERD is medications and antacids. However, there are a host of changes to one’s life which could make things better – just take a look at any of the links on this website.

Does Alkaline water help with reflux? Find out here

Night Time Reflux

Night time reflux is common as a result of the body’s prone position resulting in more pressure on the valve at the top of the stomach.

One simple tip for reducing or even avoiding this is to sleep on your left side; as this illustration demonstrates, by sleeping on your left side the acid in your stomach is more likely to remain below the point where the stomach joins with the esophagus.

best wedge pillow
from www.remedydaily.com

What also can help you with relieving night time symptoms of GERD and acid reflux is a GERD sleeping wedge pillow. This is backed up by the literally hundreds of reviews for wedge pillows mentioning positive improvements to users acid reflux symptoms.

In this article we look at the best wedge pillow for your specific purposes.

How Does a Sleeping Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux Work?

These pillows work in a simple way. Compared to standard pillows, where your body is in horizontal position, wedge pillows or cushions generally lift the upper part of your body in relation to the rest of your torso. Because of this, the acid is less likely to come back into the esophagus.

Wedges can vary in height, but generally they are between 7″ and 10″, with varying lengths, to suit different users. A couple of brands provide full length wedges; the makers argue that this avoids the bend at the stomach which can result from using too short a pillow – this could exarcerbate reflux in some people.

I personally use one which is 8″ (20 cm) high, 32″ (81cm) long and 30″ (76 cm) wide, which I find adequate and is the best wedge pillow for my needs. If I do need more height – say if I’m feeling particularly uncomfortable with acid reflux – I’ll supplement this with normal pillows.

Types of Wedge Pillow

As I mentioned, there are varying heights and lengths of pillow. Pillows vary also in terms of material, and firmness. There are also travelling varieties, which come either as folding solid pillows, or inflatable.

It’s also possible to buy matress raisers – wedges which you can put under the matress – and bed raisers. Bed raisers go under the bed legs at the head of the bed.

All of these perform the same function and have the same result – you sleep on an incline.

One notable concern by a number of users is the risk of sliding down the pillow during the night and ending up in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the bed.

I think this is more likely to happen with the shorter wedges with steeper gradients, as gravity will take over. It would also help to have a non slip cover on the wedge.

The Best Wedge Pillow Reviews

Since buying a good wedge pillow can be a daunting task, we’ve analysed user reviews on a wide range of pillows, and set out below the best available currently, sorted according to their particular characteristics. In this way you’re more likely to find the best wedge pillow for your needs.

7 inch height

Abco Tech Bed Wedge Pillow
Currently Amazon’s No1 Best Seller
22 in x 22 in x 7 in
More detail here
>Memory foam top
>With washable cover
>Excellent price

>Some users find it too hard

12 inch Height

Abco Bed Wedge Pillow
with Memory Foam Top
Currently “Amazon’s Choice”
25” x 24” x 12”
More detail here
>Memory foam top
>With washable cover
>Highly rated

>Some users find it too hard

Full Bed Width Wedge

You may have a partner who also suffers from night time reflux, in which case a full width wedge might be suitable. Here’s one which is highly rated by its users.

Avana Superslant Full Width Bed Wedge Pillow
32″ x 72″ x 7.5″
More detail here
>Washable cover
>Made in the USA
>Highly rated
>Available in King / Queen sizes

>None mentioned

Full Bed Length Wedge

A full length bed wedge does what it says on the tin – it gives you a gentle slope all the way down the bed. This means that you don’t have a sudden change in elevation at your hip, as with traditional short wedges, which for some gives discomfort and pain.

Avana SuperSlant Full Length Bed Wedge Pillow
80″ x 30″ x 7″
More detail here
>With washable cover
>Fits half queen sized bed
>Gentle slope
>Limits sliding down bed
>More comfortable than shorter wedges
>Made in USA

>None stated by reviewers

Mattress Raisers

Mattress raisers are wedges which are placed under the mattress. They have the effect of raising the head of the bed whilst allowing you to sleep on your normal mattress and pillows.

We found 2 which were well received by their users, one made of foam, and another made of plastic.

Avana Foam Under Mattress Wedge

This is a foam wedge which is placed under the entire width of a queen sized or king sized mattress. It is 7 inches in height at the head end. 

Avana Mattress Elevator
2 sections, each 80″(est) x 38″ x 7″ (King)
More detail here
>Split design for easy installation
>Ensures the whole bed slopes
>Provides a gentle slope all along the body
>Avoids bend in body at lower lumber position
>Made in the USA
>Very popular with users

>Some users slipped down the bed
>Cover optional
The Wellness Wedge

The Wellness Wedge is a lightweight plastic wedge which goes under the mattress. It has 2 parts,which enables the mattress to be raised either 2.5 inches, or 5 inches when the two parts are used together.

One thing to watch is that if you have a double bed, and you want the head to be raised by the maximum 5 inches, you will need to buy 2 packs.

The Wellness Wedge
More details here
>No chemical odors,
>No pillow cases to wash
>Use your own pillows
>Flexible height
>Made in the USA

>Some users slide down the bed
>Creates a bend in the mattress
>Not big enough for some

A Wedge Pillow for Travelling

We also took a look at wedge pillows to take with you travelling. These can either be folding, or inflatable.

Folding Wedge Pillows

The best folding wedge pillows for travelling we found, which were liked by their users, were:

Medslant® Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux
32″ x 24″ x 7″
More details here
>Carry case and cover included
>Made in the USA

>A bit too hard for some
>An additional suitcase to carry
Inflatable Travel Pillows

If an inflatable pillow sounds more attractive – less bulky, easier to pack – then you might like to consider taking one of these along on your travels.

However, be warned – some of those that are available are not as highly rated as the foam types; mainly, it would seem, because of their reliability – some appear to deflate at the wrong times, and their design is uncomfortable to some.

We bought one to test – the Inflatable Pillow by JUNILTD, made in China.

It was not a good experience. It was too small, flimsy, and very difficult to blow up and deflate. So much so that we gave up using the pillow, and returned it. We would not recommend this make.

We found that a common complaint for all inflatable pillows was that they inflated in use. However, the majority of users didn’t have a problem.

So, which are worth considering?

The following are the best travel wedge pillows we could find at the moment which are popular with their users.

WEY&FLY Inflatable Wedge Pillow
23.6″ x 22″ x 7″
More detail here
>Easy to inflate / deflate
>Flock cover

>A couple of users found it uncomfortable or deflated in use

Another popular travel pillow is the Circa:

Circa Air Inflatable Wedge Pillow
24″ x 24″ x 8″
More detail here
>Travel bag
>Soft removable cover
>Easy inflate
>Highly rated

>One user found the lower end too thick

For a larger inflatable wedge pillow, the choice is limited. ObboMed, one of a range of different sizes produced by this manufacturer for taller people, has some good reviews. Unfortunately, however, some users experience deflation, and, at 1.3 kg, is a little heavy to transport in a small case.

ObboMed® HR-7690N
Extra Long Wide
Inflatable Portable Bed Wedge
(45″ x 30″ x 8″)
More details here
>inc pump and bag
>Non slip surface
>Easy to inflate & deflate

>Usual deflation issue for some
>A bit on the heavy side

Bed Raisers

For the sake of completeness, we’ve looked at bed raisers, which lift the head of the bed so that you sleep on an incline. Of course, the same result could probably be achieved using a couple of bricks, but may not be as aesthetically pleasing!

The best we’ve found, according to the reviews, is the Utopia Bedding Premium Adjustable Furniture Risers. According to the reviews, these have been successfully used to raise the head of the bed (they are technically designed to raise all four legs) by people suffering from acid reflux. However, be very careful, and ensure that the legs of the bed fir safely into the risers.

Utopia Bedding Premium
Adjustable Furniture Risers 
More detail here
>Amazon Best Seller
>Easy to use
>Highly rated by most users

>Some users considered them unstable


So what is the best wedge pillow? There is a wide choice available, and we’ve tried to pick out the more popular wedges, and give you a balanced view. Your final decision will no doubt rest (excuse the pun) on a mixture of higher rating and cost.

Choose a pillow for your specific needs; for home use, go for a foam one such as the Abco Tech Bed Wedge Pillow. If you want one slightly higher, go for the 12″ Abco Wedge Pillow with Memory Foam Top.

For a full bed width, go for either the Avana Superslant King Width Bed Wedge or the Avana SuperSlant Full Length Bed Wedge.

If you prefer to sleep on your own mattress and pillows, consider a mattress raiser, such as the Avana Mattress Elevator, or even raise the bed head with risers such as the highly rated Utopia Bedding Premium Adjustable Furniture Risers.

For travelling, choose a wedge pillow which suits your size and method of travel. If you’re going away in your RV, you could probably take a compact, but fairly bulky, folding foam pillow, such as the Medslant Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux.

However, if you’re flying, with limited luggage space, you may wish to consider the more compact and highly rated Circa Air Inflatable Wedge Pillow.

References: 1 , 

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